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FREE CritiCall Test Prep - 911 Operator


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Spelling, Sentence Clarity & Reading
  • 440 practice questions so that you can improve your spelling, sentence clarity, and reading comprehension. 
Numerical Ability - Tutoring Modules
  • 135 math practice questions
  • Addition, subtraction, and percentages
  • Calculating distances, times, and amounts
CritiCall Data Entry - Written
  • 10 exercises to practice entering information received in writing via keyboard.
  • Enter data in the proper location on the screen. 
CritiCall Short-Term Memory - Practice Tests
  • 48 Short-Term Memory Recall Exercises
  • Sharpen your short term memory recall skills with these audible information tests that require you to listen, then type your response. 
Decision Making Practice Tests
  • 50 Decision Making Scenarios
Simulated 911 Calls - Practice Tests
  • 50 Simulated 911 Emergency Calls 
  • Listen to simulated 911 emergency calls and enter data into the proper screen location.
CritiCall Multi-Tasking Skills Practice Tests
  • It is recommended that you complete the Decision Making and Simulated 911 Calls modules before attempting the Multi-Tasking practice tests.  
CritiCall Multiple Choice - Practice Tests
  • 450 practice CritiCall questions
  • Multiple choice CritiCall practice tests with a variety of questions. 
Map Reading - Extra Practice Tests
  • Extra 150 map reading practice questions.
  • Tests ability to choose most direct route to assigned destination
  • Requires decisions that comply with all regulatory signs
Vocabulary - Extra Practice Tests
  • 275 Additional Spelling, Sentence Clarity & Reading Comprehension Questions
  • Get extra practice to improve your reading comprehension, sentence clarity and spelling abilities that are often measured on Criticall tests.